Owl Mark

Category: Logo Design

Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator

Art Direction: Bryan Satalino and Joe Bosack

For this project, I was lucky to be a part of Temple University’s owl redesign process. I learned a lot about how sports logos are designed and pitched to clients. While we worked beside Joe Bosack, everyone in the class created their own personal Temple owl redesigns.

In class, Stella the Owl came to visit for use to draw inspiration. After multiple designs and various tweaks, I ended up with a logo that I call the “Stella Stare.” As a Temple student, I think Stella’s look plays a big part in how I picture a “Temple Owl.” the big question throughout this process was how to create an owl that emulated Temple. Stella’s eyes and stare were a successful answer to this problem. Another problem that we had to solve was to please both the sports department and Temple’s strategic marketing and communications department. I think the iconic look of the Stella Stare is subtle yet aggressive, thus serving both athletics and communications departments at Temple University.


More to come once Temple’s redesigned owl mark is published!


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